Renovation of the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Kuty

2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
conservation, renovation
church, conservation works, Kuty, Ukraine

o projekcie

Found in the centre of Kuty, the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was built in the period 1896-1898 on the initiative of Rev. Jan Smagowicz, based on a design by Łukasz Julian Bodaszewski from Lviv – a pupil of Julian Zachariewicz.

The interiors of the building was ornamented in 1909 with oil paintings of Adolf Orzechowski from Kolomyya and Wacław Jakub Jeziorka from Bochnia. The wall paintings feature many references to the baroque: for instance, the illusionist architectural divisions or the figural scenes on the vaults, depicting e.g. the Assumption of Mary, Blessed Jakub Strzemię worshipping the Blessed Sacrament, or the image of Mary with Baby Jesus.  The painting in the church in Kuty is connected with the worship of Blessed Jakub as initiated on the territory of the Archdiocese of Lviv by Archbishop Józef Bilczewski. 

During WWII, the church in Kuty was damaged and devastated, and turned into a glass container warehouse later on. It was given back to Catholics in the 1990s. This marked the start of the second period of renovation. The initial works involved securing the building, roofing the structure, plastering the outer walls, and replacing the damaged parts of plasterwork inside the church. The conservation of paintings started in 1997 but had to be suspended four years later because of the lack of funds.


W roku 2019 zostaną przeprowadzone prace konserwatorsko-rekonstrukcyjne polichromii chóru muzycznego oraz zdjęcie przemalowań, uzupełnienie ubytków, zagruntowanie i pomalowanie cokołów obiegających kruchtę kruchtę pod chórem, nawę, kaplice, ściany zamykające nawę pod łukiem tęczowym w kościele.

Zadanie realizuje zespół pod kierunkiem Kazimierza Patejuka. Projekt realizowany przez Towarzystwo Tradycji Akademickiej dzięki środkom Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego przyznanym Fundacji Dziedzictwa Kulturowego w ramach  programu „Ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego za granicą”.


The year 2018 was about conserving and restoring the surfaces of the vaults and the walls of the vestibule of the church.

The works were carried out by a team managed by Kazimierz Patejuk.

The project was implemented by the Association of Academic Traditions thanks to the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage’s funding granted to the Cultural Heritage Foundation as part of the programme entitled “Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad”.


In 2017, our conservators focused on conserving the plasterwork and restoring the paintwork in the north chapel found in the transept of the church. 

The task was carried out by a team managed by Kazimierz Patejuk.

The project was financed from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage’s funding granted to the Cultural Heritage Foundation as part of the programme entitled “Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad”.



In 2016, the main job of the team managed by Kazimierz Patejuk was to restore the original polychrome on the south wall of the church nave.

The project was financed from the Minister of Culture and National Heritage’s funds granted to the Association of Academic Traditions (the Foundation’s partner) as part of the “Cultural Heritage” programme, priority: “Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad”.


The year 2015 was marked by conservation and restoration of wall paintings. Our renovation efforts concentrated on the paintings on the south wall of the church – running from the chancel arch to the first span (approx. 70 sq m). The 2014 repairs of the façade (over 500 sq m) made it possible to prime and paint the surface of freshly-plastered walls. Test cuts were performed, which enabled the team to restore the original ochre colour of the façade. The cornices and the window framing were given a gentle white highlight, according to the original look.

The project was financed from the Minister of Culture and National Heritage’s funds granted to the Association of Academic Traditions (the Foundation’s partner) as part of the “Cultural Heritage” programme, priority: “Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad”.


In 2014, the Cultural Heritage Foundation teamed up with the Association of Academic Traditions to finish the conservation-restoration works interrupted years before. The first task involved repairing the damaged external walls and restoring the paintings decorating the north wall of the church – from the chancel arch to the first span.

The works were carried out by a team managed by Kazimierz Patejuk.

The project was financed from the resources granted to the Association of Academic Traditions (the Foundation’s partner) by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage as part of the “Cultural Heritage” programme, priority: “Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad”.

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